For the past few years, our team’s mission has been to design highly interactive games that are worth playing over and over. We want our games to bring people together, to help them express themselves, and ultimately make the world a better place.

We are a team of creators down to our core, and we’ve identified four core values that serve as our guiding principles. These values have helped us at every turn when collaborating, pushing our creative limits, and building our brand.

  • Because we believe there is never a reason to compromise on our ethics, we always choose to do what we believe is right, even when faced with compelling reason to do what is easy.

  • Because we believe in the importance of meaningful connections, we always choose to bring people together and build relationships through shared experiences.

  • Because we believe every person is undeniably inherently valuable, we always choose to act with empathy, lean into vulnerability, take care of ourselves, and celebrate the successes of others.

  • Because our passion for progress outweighs our fear of failure, we always choose to listen actively, seek opportunities to learn, and challenge accepted thinking.

As we grow, we find new opportunities to test and strengthen these values, and we wouldn’t be who we are without them. These values have meant turning away opportunities that weren’t aligned with who we are, always questioning ourselves to see if we can be better, and putting an emphasis on the input of our fans and followers to help shape what we become.

We hope you enjoy what we create, and we will continue striving to delight you every single day.